2014 is going to be a big year for us requiring A LOT of trusting in God, more so than we ever have. This is a big year of change for us, and the only way we’re going to get through is to give everything over to God. Reading the Bible is something that has brought me great hope, joy, comfort, promises, and a spirit of never ending learning about the heart of The Father and His love for me. I have this burning desire to understand the gospel more and more and wish I could spend days curled up on the couch reading the most beautiful love story ever written, Christ adopting us as His sons and daughters.

The Lord keeps telling me that this is going to be a year of radical change and filled with miracles that can only be from Him. I can’t wait to watch huge prayers being answered, heart changed, lives given to Jesus, and to fall deeper in love with my Redeemer. Jesus, use me in ways that are beyond my imagination this year! I am yours!

I am committing to reading The Bible from cover to cover this year! And I’d love if you joined me. I’ve learned that when you have someone walking along side you in something, you are far more likely to complete the task. So who wants to join with me and diving into the most perfect book ever written? I’ll be reading The Bible Chronologically, and will post each weeks reading schedule every Sunday. Since January 1st starts on a Wednesday, I’m just posting the reading for today (Wednesday) through the end of the week, then on Sunday, all schedules will have 7 days listed.

Follow us on Instagram {HERE} to see updates and join in on conversation about that days/weeks reading. This is a huge commitment, but you will see God work in the most beautiful ways when you honor him with your time and attention. I’m stoked to see great Kingdom work being completed! Leave us a comment below if you want to join in the year challenge!

Here is a month by month schedule

