Here is a really easy way to save yourself tons of money (save $75 a year on laundry detergent for 2 people) AND eliminate all the chemicals in your laundry detergent.
Store bought Tide Liquid Detergent (150 oz) = $18
DIY Liquid Detergent (150 oz) = $3.50
We’re talking $0.04 per load…YES…4 CENTS! We’re talking $10 or $15 for detergent for the YEAR!
-1/4 of a bar of FELS NAPTHA SOAP
-1/4 cup ARM & HAMMER WASHING SODA (not baking soda)
-20 drops doTERRA ESSENTIAL OIL (I suggest lavender or peppermint)*
-empty jug or container to store detergent in (you can use your old detergent container)
-Using a cheese grater, grate the Fels Naptha soap and add to one cup of water in a pot over medium heat. Melt the soap while stirring constantly until the soap is dissolved.
-Pour 10 cups water into a large container or bucket and add the melted soap mixture. Add Borax, Washing Soda, and doTERRA essential oil and stir.
-Add 10 more cups water and stir.
-Let it set overnight so that the detergent can thicken and become more gel-like.
-Stir again to mix it well and pour into desired container to store.
-Shake to mix before each use.
*Use 1/4 cup per load of laundry* (makes 1.25 gallons)
*Essential oil can be omitted, but it makes for great smelling detergent and fresh scented clothes.