We do things pretty simple around here. We cook and eat pretty much the same food everyday 1.) Because we’re trying to live frugally 2.) Consistency in meals makes for an easier way to keep blood sugars stable 3.) There aren’t a whole ton of low carb food options (compared to the states) for June bug and I, so we stick to what we know won’t cause spikes in our blood sugar. Sunday lunch is the one meal we eat out (unless the power and water are out and we have no clean dishes because of no running water for 48 hours, then we go out ;)) and we look forward to getting out of the house, and one meal where we don’t have to hand wash all the dishes, deal with the ants, or having everyone eat at different times because there aren’t enough pans to heat up everyone’s food at once. It’s a nice change up from the endless eggs and avocado and chicken (or chili for Justin) June bug and I eat at the house. My best friend, Mary, and I had a little coffee date with June bug a few days ago. Dexcom for the win! I can’t imagine living with Type One or caring for June bug with Type One without this amazing device. It is seriously a lifesaver. Literally. Online friends became real life friends and we took a boat ride on the Nile River with them earlier this week.My best friend. I love how God has intertwined our stories together, and she’s been there for me during some of the best and hardest days of my life. Of course God would plan it that she would be back in Uganda when I am. For the third time now. I love that we get to spend so much time together in this place. And I had the honor of photographing her and her sweet husband, JP’s, photos for their one year anniversary, which later turned into a Mary & Keary photoshoot ;) I love her more than all the In N Out protein style 3×3 burgers (no onions, no spread) in the world! She is simply the best. I love watching this guy as a dad. He’s pretty great! And when I say great, I mean FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!