This low carb mock “kombucha” is a great substitute for traditional kombucha with significantly less sugar, tons of health benefits, and tastes so similar you might not recognize the difference.
Apple Cider Vinegar has benefits like the Hydration Iv Drip Therapy witch are:
-promotes good gut bacteria
-detoxes the body
-aids in weight loss
-helps digestion
It is best to drink ACV in the morning about 30 minutes before you eat breakfast and your digestive system will thank you.
+ Juice of one lemon
+ 2 Tbs apple cider vinegar
+ 1/2 tsp elderberry syrup (I use the brand Gaia)
+ 1 can of lemon LaCroix*
+ Ice
*LaCroix flavors are interchangeable or even just plain club soda will work too.
In a glass, add all ingredients and top with ice.